The Better Skin Plasma Therapy
Plasma Therapy
The Plasma pen is the worlds most advanced, non-invasive, skin lifting, skin tightening and rejuvenation device used to treat wrinkles, skin tags and sagging skin. This treatment can be used for a number of procedures to dramatically enhance the looks without the need for costly and invasive surgery.
This anti-aging treatment is based on a series of minute dots adjacent to the tension lines on the skin. This process triggers an immediate tightening, lifting, and remodeling of the skin. This technique is used to stimulate the production of collagen in the skin.
Why Plasma Pen Treatment vs Cosmetic Surgery?
No Bruising
No Bleeding
No Stitches
Long lasting results
Safe and Effective Treatment
Limited Downtime
Immediate Results
Non-Invasive Treatment
Non-surgical Technique
No Scalpel or Surgical Cutting of the Skin
Almost Painless with Anesthetic Cream
No thinning of the skin and more uniform than ablative resurfacing using lasers
What Does It Treat?
Fine Lines
Crows Feet Lines
Eyebrow ptosis
Nasal Labial Folds / Laugh Lines
Marionette Lines
Smokers / Kissing Lines
Neck Lines
Drooping Skin / Loose Skin
Drooping Skin on neck, above knees and elbows
Skin Tags
Pigmentation Removal
Age Spot Removal
Liver Spot Removal
Freckle Removal
Scar Removal
Stretch Mark Removal